Announcing Artists 7 to 9

I have three more artists to announce! 


First of all, Craig Johnson is illustrating M. Kate Allen’s story The Devil is An Elven Dame. His work can be found on his website, and I will say this about him. I send him Kate’s story two days ago, and the art was waiting in my inbox this morning. It is gorgeous! So, I can’t really recommend him highly enough – beautiful work, and amazingly quickly done! Thank you so much, Craig! 

Our next artist is Jun Hun Yap. His work can be seen on his website, and he will be illustrating my story, Lady Isabel and the Elf Knight. For obvious reasons, I am particularly excited about this one. 🙂 

Finally, Rosaria Battiloro is working on Sally Bell’s story, What you see and what you get. Her gorgeous work can be found on her website, or on her Deviant Art page. I can’t wait to see what she comes up with. 

I am still waiting for the final artist to confirm, but I expect that announcement to come later today. 



A barrage of things!

First of all, WE DID IT! Not only did we fund the book, but we raised enough to pay ten artists to each create an illustration, one for each story in the book. A verty huge thank you to everyone who got involved in this campaign, as backers, or by spreading the word, or by creating work for us. To my nine other writers, thank you so much for offering me your talents. To the artists who have gotten involved (and the ones I haven’t yet found, because I am still looking!) thank you for  joining this wonderful project. I think if there is one thing this has taught me, it is that collaboration is awesome. Art doesn’t need to be a solitary pursuit. Not even writing, which is about as solitary as it gets. 🙂

And of course, to our backers who believed in the project, and got behind us. I am currently buried in work trying to get everything done so that I can send your special backer packages out as soon as possible. It is very exciting, and I really hope you are thrilled with what you receive!

On that note, Lisa Emmanuel, our cover designer, has worked her magic, and I am very very pleased to be able to reveal the gorgeous cover of our anthology. Check this out:


I am so pleased with it. I love how she has managed to make it look noir, and still retained modernish lines. She rocks! 😀

I’d also like to introduce you to Steph Sweet. She will be doing an illustration for Daniel Heichel’s story More Tales of the Unseelie Casino: Five Number Bets and Five Knuckle Payouts. Her work can be seen here. I can’t wait to see what she has to offer!

Richard Taylor, whose work can be found on his website, is our artist number 6, and will be working on Jeremiah Murphy’s story, Beautiful Music. I am so looking forward to seeing what he comes up with. 🙂

I’m still waiting for confirmations on artists 7 and 8, and am still on the hunt for 9 and 10, so if anyone knows any artists who might like to draw for money, please ask them to email me at Thanks!

On that note, I am going to head off and do some more work! Have a great day everyone. 🙂

Announcing Artists 3 and 4!

We have reached the last 57 hours of Fae Fatales: A Fantasy Noir Anthology‘s Indiegogo campaign. We currently have enough funds for 5 out of the 10 artists. I have confirmation from four of them, and so it is with very great pleasure that I announce our third and fourth artists. 

The third artist to join our ranks is one of my favourite artists, Josh Carrington. Josh’s absolutely amazing work can be seen on his website, and on his Facebook page. He will be illustrating Tom Trumpinski’s absolutely wonderful The Closing Time Girl.

Our fourth artist is Steven Raaymakers. His exquisite work can be found on his Deviant art Page. He will be working on Bleeding Ink by J.M. Templet. 

I have approached our fifth artist, but am waiting for confirmation, and I still have a couple waiting in the wings. 

I am also offering a free poetry chapbook to anyone who contributes to the campaign. Pay for the book, get the poetry for free. 🙂 Have a look on my blog for more details

Announcing our first two artists!

It gives me enormous pleasure to announce the involvement of our first two artists with our upcoming book, Fae Fatales: A Fantasy Noir AnthologyOur Indiegogo campaign ends in only 10 days, and we have enough for three artists, and are only $14 away from our fourth. We would really love to be able to get an artist for each of the ten stories before the end of the campaign! 

I have approached three artists, and two of them have confirmed. I picked the stories using a randomising function on my excel spreadsheet, so that it would be as fair as possible. 

Our first artist, illustrating Dominica Malcolm‘s beautiful story Siren, is Grace Jensen. Her exquisite work can be seen on her website. We are really thrilled to have her on board, and I for one cannot wait to see what she is going to produce. 

Our second artist, illustrating J.M. Pauler’s gorgeous The Brooch, is Ashley Frary. Her stunning art can be seen on her Facebook page. Don’t forget to Like her! Ashley has done some work for Plunge Magazine, and we are delighted to have her involved in this project. 

I’ve approached a third artist, but am waiting for him to respond, and I have two more waiting in the wings, just needing our funds to hit the targets, so any help you can send our way would be most welcome. Remember, every physical copy of the book will receive a pack of postcards from this artwork, which is an offer ONLY AVAILABLE TO INDIEGOGO BACKERS! So don’t delay! You only have ten days to get this beautiful art in addition to the book for the same price.

We also will still need more artists, if we do hit our target, so if you know any artists, please send them our way.