A long overdue update!

Well, hello people who pay attention to Solarwyrm! There hasn’t been much to pay attention to recently, has there?

Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, depending on how you look at it), the people behind the world of Solarwyrm have both been swamped by real life recently. But in good ways! Dom moved to SF, and has been very busy there doing all sorts of amazing things, some of which you can read about on her blog. I moved to Wellington (NZ) to actually study publishing, and learn all the things we’ve been doing wrong. And I am learning a LOT! So you can expect some subtle and maybe not so subtle changes around here as I start to implement the things I’m discovering.

As for the Solarwyrm projects, Latchkey Tales continues to discover and publish amazing, quirky stories and poetry every two months. I’ve just spent some time making sure they’re all up and running on Amazon as both physical books and ebooks, so if you missed some and would like to go back and get them, they should be up in the next couple of days, depending on how long it takes Amazon to process it. Once they’re all up, I’ll be posting a bunch of links, and maybe even indulging in some specials and promos for all our books, so keep an eye on the blog and the Facebook page for those. For the new editions coming out over the next few months, though, the Patreon page is still the best, and cheapest, way of getting your mitts on Latchkey.

Dom is working away on our next anthology, Marked by Scorn, so you can expect an update on that sometime in the next little while as well.

And in general I am going to be a bit more active around here. So look forward to a bit more from us in the near future. And thanks for sticking around. You guys are the reason we do this. 🙂

— Jax

About Dominica May

Most of my blogging tends toward my travel experiences, and diversity in media, but I will also discuss my own creative pursuits, which are generally in the film, writing, and performance fields. I'm also an editor at Solarwyrm Press. Performance: improv, acting, stand-up comedy. Filmmaking: Screenwriting, directing, video editing, short films, music videos. Writing: speculative fiction, memoir, short stories. Though I consider myself a citizen of the world, with how many places feel like home to me, I was born and raised in Australia, to American parents. I'm a dual-national of both countries, lived in Malaysia for five and a half years, and now live in the US.

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