Amok/Allusions Indiegogo Campaign is live!

We’re live, ladies and gentlemen!

If you’ve been watching the progress of Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction and Allusions of Innocence and would like to get your hands on them before they hit Amazon, and help support us, the time has come!

Get thee hence to Indiegogo and hit the “Contribute Now” button. There are plenty of perks available. You can get yourself electronic or paperback versions of not only these two brand new books, but also everything from our back catalogue.

So don’t hesitate! Do it! Do it now! CLICKY! 

(I may be a bit excited about this.)

The covers for our new anthologies

Both covers for our anthologies are ready! Those of you who follow us on Facebook will already have seen them, because neither of us could wait to share them! But here they are here too, for the rest of you.

The cover for Allusions of Innocence was illustrated and designed by Luke Spooner from Carrion House. He did an amazing job, in my not-so-humble opinion, of capturing the mix of childlikeness and total creepiness that I was after. Here it is!

Allusions of Innocence

The cover for Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction was designed by Jun Hun Yap, who has done an incredible job on it. Have a look:

Cover of Amok: An Anthology of Asia-Pacific Speculative Fiction

We’re absolutely thrilled with the work both these artists have produced for us, and hope you love them as much as we do! Now that the covers are ready, it will be only a couple of days before we launch our crowdfunding campaign for these two books. So watch this space!